Source code for trading.models

Models here represents any interaction between a user and stocks
from authentication.models import Profile
from django.db import models
from stocks.models import Stock, InvestmentBucket

[docs]class TradingAccount(models.Model): """ A TradingAccount is owned by a user, we associate stock trades with it. """ account_name = models.CharField(max_length=30) profile = models.ForeignKey(Profile, related_name='trading_accounts') class Meta(object): unique_together = ('profile', 'account_name')
[docs] def holding_value(self): """ Calculates the value of all equity held by the user """ stock_values = sum([ Stock.objects.get(id=res['stock']).latest_quote() * res['q_s'] for res in self.trades.values('stock').annotate(q_s=models.Sum('quantity')) ]) bucket_values = sum([ InvestmentBucket.objects.get(id=res['stock']).value_on() * res['q_s'] for res in self.buckettrades.values('stock').annotate(q_s=models.Sum('quantity')) ]) return stock_values + bucket_values
[docs] def total_value(self): """ Total value of the trading account """ cash = self.available_cash() stock_val = self.holding_value() return cash + stock_val
[docs] def trading_balance(self): """ The stock values from account """ stock_val = sum([ stock.current_value() for stock in self.trades.all() ]) bucket_val = sum([ bucket.current_value() for bucket in self.buckettrades.all() ]) return stock_val + bucket_val
[docs] def available_buckets(self, bkt): """ Find the available buckets that have quantity > 0 """ quantity = self.buckettrades.filter(stock=bkt).aggregate(sm=models.Sum('quantity'))['sm'] if not quantity: quantity = 0 return quantity
[docs] def available_stocks(self, stk): """ Find available stock """ quantity = self.trades.filter(stock=stk).aggregate(sm=models.Sum('quantity'))['sm'] if not quantity: quantity = 0 return quantity
[docs] def has_enough_cash(self, trade_value): """ Check if you have enough cash to make a trade """ if self.available_cash() >= trade_value: return True return False
[docs] def has_enough_bucket(self, bucket, quantity_bucket): """ Check if you have enough bucket to make a trade """ return self.available_buckets(bucket) >= quantity_bucket
[docs] def has_enough_stock(self, stock, quantity_stock): """ Check if you have enough stock to trade """ return self.available_stocks(stock) >= quantity_stock
[docs] def trade_bucket(self, bucket, quantity): """ Creates a new trade for the bucket and this account """ if self.has_enough_cash(bucket.value_on() * quantity) and ( self.has_enough_bucket(bucket, -1 * quantity)): return self.buckettrades.create( stock=bucket, quantity=quantity, ) raise Exception("You don't have the necessary resources!")
[docs] def trade_stock(self, stock, quantity): """ Trades a stock for the account """ if self.has_enough_cash(stock.latest_quote().value * quantity) and ( self.has_enough_stock(stock, -1 * quantity)): return self.trades.create( quantity=quantity, stock=stock, ) raise Exception("You don't have the necessary resources!")
[docs] def available_cash(self, update=True): """ Returns the available cash for the trading account """ return ( self.trading_balance() + sum([ bnk.current_balance(update) for bnk in self.profile.user.userbank.all() ]) )
[docs]class TradeStock(models.Model): """ A Trade represents a single exchange of a stock for money """ timestamp = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) quantity = models.FloatField() account = models.ForeignKey(TradingAccount, related_name='trades') stock = models.ForeignKey(Stock, related_name='trades')
[docs] def current_value(self): """ Get value calculates the total value of the trade respecting the date """ quote_value = self.stock.latest_quote(self.timestamp).value return quote_value * (-1 * self.quantity)
[docs]class TradeBucket(models.Model): """ Same as trade but for buckets """ timestamp = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) account = models.ForeignKey(TradingAccount, related_name='buckettrades') stock = models.ForeignKey(InvestmentBucket, related_name='buckettrades') quantity = models.FloatField()
[docs] def current_value(self): """ The value of the trade on the specific date """ val = self.stock.value_on(self.timestamp) * (-1 * self.quantity) return val