Source code for trading.graphql

GraphQL definitions for the Trading App
from graphene_django import DjangoObjectType
from graphql_relay.node.node import from_global_id
from graphene import Field, Float, ID, Int, Mutation, NonNull, \
    relay, String
from stocks.graphql import GInvestmentBucket
from stocks.models import InvestmentBucket, Stock
from .models import TradeBucket, TradeStock, TradingAccount

# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
[docs]class GTrade(DjangoObjectType): """ Exposing the whole Trade object to GraphQL """ value = Float() class Meta(object): """ Meta Model for Trade """ model = TradeStock interfaces = (relay.Node, )
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_value(data, _info, **_args): """ Returns the value of a trade (see the model) """ return data.current_value()
[docs]class GInvestmentBucketTrade(DjangoObjectType): """ Exposing the whole Trade object to GraphQL """ value = Float() class Meta(object): """ Meta Model for Trade """ model = TradeBucket interfaces = (relay.Node, )
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_value(data, _info, **_args): """ Returns the value of a trade (see the model) """ return data.current_value()
[docs]class GTradingAccount(DjangoObjectType): """ Exposing the whole TradingAccount to GraphQL """ total_value = NonNull(Float) available_cash = NonNull(Float) class Meta(object): """ Meta Model for TradingAccount """ model = TradingAccount interfaces = (relay.Node, )
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_total_value(data, _info, **_args): """ Returns the total value that the account currently holds """ return data.total_value()
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_available_cash(data, _info, **_args): """ Returns the amount of cash the user has available """ return data.available_cash(False)
# pylint: disable=no-init
[docs]class Query(object): """ We don't want to have any root queries here """ pass
# pylint: enable=no-init
[docs]class AddTrade(Mutation): """ AddTrade creates a new Trade for the user and stock """
[docs] class Arguments(object): """ Arguments to create a trade. Right now it's only ticker and quantity. """ id_value = NonNull(String) quantity = NonNull(Int) account_name = NonNull(String)
trade = Field(lambda: GTrade)
[docs] @staticmethod def mutate(_self, info, id_value, quantity, account_name, **_args): """ Creates a Trade and saves it to the DB """ stock = Stock.objects.get(id=from_global_id(id_value)[1]) account = TradingAccount.objects.get( account_name=account_name, ) trade = account.trade_stock(stock, quantity) return AddTrade(trade=trade)
[docs]class InvestBucket(Mutation): """ Invests into the bucket """
[docs] class Arguments(object): """ We need quantity, account id and bucket id """ quantity = NonNull(Float) trading_acc_id = NonNull(ID) bucket_id = NonNull(ID)
trading_account = Field(lambda: GTradingAccount) bucket = Field(lambda: GInvestmentBucket)
[docs] @staticmethod def mutate(_self, info, quantity, trading_acc_id, bucket_id, **_args): """ Creates the trade """ trading_acc_id = from_global_id(trading_acc_id)[1] bucket_id = from_global_id(bucket_id)[1] trading_acc = TradingAccount.objects.get( id=trading_acc_id, profile=info.context.user.profile, ) bucket = InvestmentBucket.objects.get(id=bucket_id) trading_acc.trade_bucket(bucket, quantity) return InvestBucket(trading_account=trading_acc, bucket=bucket)
# pylint: enable=too-few-public-methods