Source code for stocks.models

Models keeps track of all the persistent data around stocks
import datetime
from datetime import date as os_date
import math
from django.db.models import Q
from django.db import models
from django.db.models.signals import pre_save
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django.db import transaction
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.core.validators import MinLengthValidator, MinValueValidator
from authentication.models import Profile
from .stock_helper import validate_ticker

[docs]class Stock(models.Model): """ Stock represents a single stock. For example GOOGL """ name = models.CharField( max_length=255, validators=[ MinLengthValidator(1, message="The name should not be empty.") ], ) ticker = models.CharField( max_length=10, unique=True, validators=[ MinLengthValidator(1, message="The ticker should not be empty."), validate_ticker ], )
[docs] def latest_quote(self, date=None): """ Returns the latest quote for the stock """ quote_query = self.daily_quote if date is not None: if isinstance(date, str): date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d").date() if isinstance(date, datetime.datetime): date = if date > raise Exception("Date is later than now!") quote_query = quote_query.filter(date__lte=date) quote_query = quote_query.order_by('-date') if quote_query: return quote_query[0] raise Exception("No quote found")
[docs] @staticmethod def find_stock(text, first=None): """ Finds the stocks that contain >text< """ query = Stock.objects.filter(name__icontains=text) if first: query = query[:first] return query
[docs] @staticmethod def create_new_stock(ticker, name): """ Creates a new stock """ if not validate_ticker(ticker): raise Exception("Invalid Ticker") stock = Stock(name=name, ticker=ticker) return stock
[docs] def quote_in_range(self, start=None, end=None): """ Returns a list of daily stock quotes in the given timerange """ query = self.daily_quote if start: query = query.filter(date__gte=start) if end: query = query.filter(date__lte=end) query = query.order_by('date') return query
[docs] def trades_for_profile(self, profile): """ Returns all trades the user made with this stock """ return self.trades.filter(account__profile=profile)
[docs]class DailyStockQuote(models.Model): """ DailyStockQuote is one day in the performance of a stock, for example 2nd July GOOGL value is 281.31$ """ value = models.FloatField(validators=[ MinValueValidator( 0.0, message="Daily stock quote can not be negative") ]) date = models.DateField() stock = models.ForeignKey(Stock, related_name='daily_quote') class Meta(object): """ We use this to define our uniqueness constraint """ unique_together = ( 'stock', 'date', )
[docs]class InvestmentBucket(models.Model): """ An investment bucket represents a collection of stocks to invest in """ name = models.CharField( max_length=255, validators=[ MinLengthValidator(1, message="The name should not be empty.") ], ) owner = models.ForeignKey(Profile, related_name='owned_bucket') public = models.BooleanField() available = models.FloatField(validators=[ MinValueValidator( 0.0, message="The available money can not be negative.") ]) class Meta(object): unique_together = ('name', 'owner')
[docs] @staticmethod def accessible_buckets(profile): """ Finds all buckets that the user could view """ return InvestmentBucket.objects.filter( Q(owner=profile) | Q(public=True))
[docs] @staticmethod def create_new_bucket(name, public, owner, available=1000.0): """ Creates a new InvestmentBucket """ bucket = InvestmentBucket( name=name, public=public, owner=owner, available=available) return bucket
[docs] def add_attribute(self, text, is_good=True): """ Adds an attribute to an investment bucket """ attribute = self.description.create( text=text, is_good=is_good, ) return attribute
[docs] def get_stock_configs(self, date=None): """ Get all associated configs """ if not date: return self.stocks.filter(end=None) return self.stocks.filter( start__lte=date).filter(Q(end__gte=date) | Q(end=None))
def _sell_all(self): """ Sells all stocks held in the investment bucket """ with transaction.atomic(): current_configs = self.get_stock_configs() balance_change = 0.0 for conf in current_configs: balance_change += conf.value_on() self.available += balance_change current_configs.update( - datetime.timedelta(days=31))
[docs] def change_config(self, new_config): """ Changes the configuration of the investment bucket to new_config """ with transaction.atomic(): self._sell_all() for conf in new_config: stock = Stock.objects.get( quote = stock.latest_quote() self.available -= quote.value * conf.quantity self.stocks.create( stock=stock, quantity=conf.quantity, - datetime.timedelta( days=31), ) if self.available < 0: raise Exception("Not enough money available")
[docs] def value_on(self, date=None): """ The value of the bucket on a specific day """ values = [] for config in self.get_stock_configs(date): try: values.append(config.value_on(date)) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass return sum(values) + self.available
[docs] def historical(self, count=None, skip=None): """ Fetches the historical value of the bucket. """ res = [] if count is None: count = 30 if skip is None: skip = 0 for i in range(skip, count + skip): date = - datetime.timedelta(days=i) res.append((date, self.value_on(date))) return res
[docs]class InvestmentBucketDescription(models.Model): """ An investment bucket represents a collection of stocks to invest in """ text = models.CharField( max_length=255, validators=[ MinLengthValidator( 3, message="The description should at least be 3 characters long." ) ]) bucket = models.ForeignKey(InvestmentBucket, related_name='description') is_good = models.BooleanField() class Meta(object): unique_together = ('text', 'bucket')
[docs] def change_description(self, text): """ Changes the description to the given text """ self.text = text
[docs]class InvestmentStockConfiguration(models.Model): """ Represents the configuration of how much of a stock to invest for a bucket """ quantity = models.FloatField(validators=[ MinValueValidator(0.0, message="The quantity can not be negative.") ]) stock = models.ForeignKey(Stock, related_name='bucket') bucket = models.ForeignKey(InvestmentBucket, related_name='stocks') start = models.DateField(, blank=True) end = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True)
[docs] def value_on(self, date=None): """ Returns the current value of the stock configuration """ value = self.stock.latest_quote(date).value * self.quantity if math.isnan(value): raise Exception("Not able to calculate value") return value
[docs]@receiver(pre_save) def pre_save_any(sender, instance, *_args, **_kwargs): """ Ensures that all constrains are met """ if sender.__name__ == 'Session': return try: instance.full_clean() except ValidationError as ex: raise Exception(ex.messages[0])