Source code for stocks.graphql

GraphQL definitions for the Stocks App
from collections import namedtuple
from graphene_django import DjangoObjectType
from graphene import Argument, Boolean, Field, Float, ID, Int, \
    InputObjectType, List, Mutation, NonNull, ObjectType, String, relay
from graphql_relay.node.node import from_global_id
from .models import DailyStockQuote, InvestmentBucket, \
    InvestmentBucketDescription, InvestmentStockConfiguration, Stock

# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
[docs]class DataPoint(object): """ Dummy class to represent a date / value DataPoint """ def __init__(self, date, value): = date self.value = value
[docs]class GDataPoint(ObjectType): """ GraphQL definition of the DataPoint above """ date = NonNull(String) value = NonNull(Float)
[docs]class GInvestmentBucketConfigurationUpdate(InputObjectType): """ Represents one choice of stock for a bucket """ id_value = ID() quantity = Float()
[docs]class GDailyStockQuote(DjangoObjectType): """ GraphQL representation of a DailyStockQuote """ class Meta: """ Meta Model for DailyStockQuote """ model = DailyStockQuote interfaces = (relay.Node, )
[docs]class GInvestmentBucketAttribute(DjangoObjectType): """ GraphQL representation of a InvestmentBucketDescription """ class Meta: """ Meta Model for InvestmentBucketDescription """ model = InvestmentBucketDescription interfaces = (relay.Node, )
[docs]class GInvestmentBucket(DjangoObjectType): """ GraphQL representation of a InvestmentBucket """ is_owner = NonNull(Boolean) owned_amount = NonNull(Float) value = NonNull(Float) history = NonNull(List(NonNull(GDataPoint)), args={'count': Int(), 'skip': Int()}) class Meta: """ Meta Model for InvestmentBucket """ model = InvestmentBucket interfaces = (relay.Node, ) only_fields = ( 'id', 'name', 'public', 'description', 'stocks', 'available', 'value', 'owned_amount', )
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_is_owner(data, info, **_args): """ Returns whether the user ownes the investment bucket """ return ==
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_stocks(data, _info, **_args): """ Returns the *current* stocks in the bucket """ return data.get_stock_configs()
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_value(data, _info, **_args): """ The current value of the investment bucket """ return data.value_on()
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_owned_amount(data, info, **_args): """ Returns how much of the bucket the user owns """ return info.context.user.profile.default_acc().available_buckets(data)
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_history(data, _info, count=None, skip=None, **_args): """ Returns the historic data for the bucket """ return [ DataPoint(date, value) for (date, value) in data.historical(skip=skip, count=count) ]
[docs]class GInvestmentStockConfiguration(DjangoObjectType): """ GraphQL representation of a InvestmentStockConfiguration """ class Meta: """ Meta Model for InvestmentStockConfiguration """ model = InvestmentStockConfiguration interfaces = (relay.Node, )
[docs]class GStock(DjangoObjectType): """ GraphQL representation of a Stock """ quote_in_range = NonNull(List(GDailyStockQuote), args={'start': Argument( NonNull(String)), 'end': Argument(NonNull(String))}) latest_quote = Field(GDailyStockQuote) class Meta(object): """ Meta Model for Stock """ model = Stock interfaces = (relay.Node, ) only_fields = ('quote_in_range', 'latest_quote', 'name', 'ticker', 'trades')
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_latest_quote(data, _info, **_args): """ Returns the most recent stock quote """ return data.latest_quote()
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_quote_in_range(data, _info, start, end, **_args): """ Finds the stock quotes for the stock within a time range """ return data.quote_in_range(start, end)
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_trades(stock, info, **_args): """ We need to apply permission checks to trades """ return stock.trades_for_profile(info.context.user.profile)
[docs]class AddStock(Mutation): """ AddStock creates a new Stock that is tracked """
[docs] class Arguments(object): """ Arguments to create a stock. We only need the ticker. """ ticker = NonNull(String) name = NonNull(String)
stock = Field(lambda: GStock)
[docs] @staticmethod def mutate(_self, _info, ticker, name, **_args): """ Creates a Stock and saves it to the DB """ stock = Stock.create_new_stock(ticker, name) return AddStock(stock=stock)
[docs]class AddBucket(Mutation): """ Creates a new InvestmentBucket and returns the new bucket """
[docs] class Arguments(object): """ We only need the name of the new bucket to create it """ name = NonNull(String) investment = NonNull(Float) public = NonNull(Boolean)
bucket = Field(lambda: GInvestmentBucket)
[docs] @staticmethod def mutate(_self, info, name, investment, public, **_args): """ Creates a new InvestmentBucket and saves it to the DB """ bucket = InvestmentBucket.create_new_bucket( name=name, public=public, owner=info.context.user.profile, available=investment, ) return AddBucket(bucket=bucket)
[docs]class AddAttributeToInvestment(Mutation): """ Adds a description to an Investment Bucket and returns the bucket """
[docs] class Arguments(object): """ We need the description and the bucket as input """ desc = NonNull(String) bucket_id = NonNull(ID) is_good = NonNull(Boolean)
bucket_attr = Field(lambda: GInvestmentBucketAttribute)
[docs] @staticmethod def mutate(_self, info, desc, bucket_id, is_good, **_args): """ Executes the mutation to add the attribute """ bucket = InvestmentBucket.objects.get( id=from_global_id(bucket_id)[1], ) if not bucket or (not == raise Exception("You don't own the bucket!") attribute = bucket.add_attribute(desc, is_good) return AddAttributeToInvestment(bucket_attr=attribute)
[docs]class EditAttribute(Mutation): """ Allows to edit an attribute description """
[docs] class Arguments(object): """ Description and ID for the mutation """ desc = NonNull(String) id_value = NonNull(ID)
bucket_attr = Field(lambda: GInvestmentBucketAttribute)
[docs] @staticmethod def mutate(_self, info, id_value, desc, **_args): """ Executes the mutation to change the attribute """ bucket_attr = InvestmentBucketDescription.objects.filter( id=from_global_id(id_value)[1],, ) if not bucket_attr: raise Exception("You don't own the bucket!") else: bucket_attr = bucket_attr.get() bucket_attr.change_description(desc) return EditAttribute(bucket_attr=bucket_attr)
[docs]class DeleteAttribute(Mutation): """ Deletes an attribute from a bucket """
[docs] class Arguments(object): """ We just need the ID to delete it """ id_value = NonNull(ID)
is_ok = Field(lambda: Boolean)
[docs] @staticmethod def mutate(_self, info, id_value, **_args): """ Executes the mutation by deleting the attribute """ bucket_attr = InvestmentBucketDescription.objects.filter( id=from_global_id(id_value)[1],, ) if not bucket_attr: raise Exception("You don't own the bucket!") else: bucket_attr = bucket_attr[0] bucket_attr.delete() return DeleteAttribute(is_ok=True)
[docs]class DeleteBucket(Mutation): """ Deletes an attribute from a bucket """
[docs] class Arguments(object): """ We just need the ID to delete it """ id_value = NonNull(ID)
is_ok = Field(lambda: Boolean)
[docs] @staticmethod def mutate(_self, info, id_value, **_args): """ Executes the mutation by deleting the attribute """ bucket = InvestmentBucket.objects.filter( id=from_global_id(id_value)[1], owner=info.context.user.profile, ) if not bucket: raise Exception("You don't own the bucket!") else: bucket = bucket[0] bucket.delete() return DeleteAttribute(is_ok=True)
Config = namedtuple( "Config", ["id", "quantity"], )
[docs]class EditConfiguration(Mutation): """ Mutation to change the stock configuration of a bucket """
[docs] class Arguments(object): """ As input we take the new configuration and the bucket id """ config = NonNull(List(GInvestmentBucketConfigurationUpdate)) id_value = NonNull(ID)
bucket = Field(lambda: GInvestmentBucket)
[docs] @staticmethod def mutate(_self, info, id_value, config, **_args): """ This performs the actual mutation by removing the old configuration and then writing the new one """ bucket = InvestmentBucket.objects.get( id=from_global_id(id_value)[1], owner=info.context.user.profile, ) if not bucket or (not == raise Exception("You don't own the bucket!") new_config = [ Config( id=from_global_id(c['id_value'])[1], quantity=c['quantity'], ) for c in config ] bucket.change_config(new_config) return EditConfiguration(bucket=bucket)
# pylint: disable=no-init
[docs]class Query(object): """ We don't want to have any root queries here """ invest_bucket = Field(GInvestmentBucket, args={'id_value': Argument(NonNull(ID))})
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_invest_bucket(_self, info, id_value, **_args): """ The viewer represents the current logged in user """ if not info.context.user.is_authenticated(): return None return InvestmentBucket.accessible_buckets( info.context.user.profile ).get( id=from_global_id(id_value)[1] )
# pylint: enable=too-few-public-methods # pylint: enable=no-init