Source code for authentication.graphql

GraphQL definitions for the Authentication App
import datetime
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from graphene import Argument, Field, Float, Int, List, Mutation, \
    NonNull, String, relay
from graphene_django import DjangoObjectType, DjangoConnectionField
from trading.models import TradingAccount
from trading.graphql import GTradingAccount
from stocks.graphql import GInvestmentBucket, GStock, GDataPoint, DataPoint
from stocks.models import InvestmentBucket, Stock
from .models import Profile, UserBank

# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
[docs]class GUser(DjangoObjectType): """ This is the GraphQL representation of a :py:class:`django.contrib.auth.models.User`. This should *only* be accessible for the user himself. """ class Meta(object): """ Meta Model for :py:class:`django.contrib.auth.models.User`. Most important to note is the fields we expose: ID, Profile, Username and UserBank(s) """ model = User only_fields = ('id', 'profile', 'username', 'userbank') interfaces = (relay.Node, )
[docs]class GProfile(DjangoObjectType): """ This is the GraphQL representation of a :py:class:`authentication.models.Profile`. This is more of a publically accessible object. Even though we won't expose everything, this object allows us to add more fields to the user object. """ stock_find = List( NonNull(GStock), args={'text': Argument(NonNull(String)), 'first': Argument(Int)}) invest_suggestions = DjangoConnectionField(GInvestmentBucket, ) selected_acc = NonNull(GTradingAccount) class Meta(object): """ Meta Model for :py:class:`authentication.models.Profile`. We have edges to the :py:class:`trading.models.TradingAccount` the User has, a field that is the current Trading Account a User has, and a function that allows the user to search for stocks. """ model = Profile only_fields = ('id', 'trading_accounts', 'selected_acc', 'stock_find') interfaces = (relay.Node, )
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_stock_find(_self, _info, text, first=None, **_args): """ Finds a stock given a case insensitive name. (see :py:meth:`stocks.models.Stock.find_stock`) :param text: The text the user want to search for. :type name: str. :param first: The maximum number of results to return :type name: int. :returns: :py:class:`django.db.models.query.QuerySet` of :py:class:`stocks.stocks.Stock` """ if first: return Stock.find_stock(text, first) return Stock.find_stock(text)
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_invest_suggestions(_data, info, **_args): """ Returns a list of buckets that the User can invest in. (see :py:meth:`stocks.models.InvestmentBucket.available_buckets`) :param info: Information about the user to check which recommendations are best for the user. :type info: Graphene Request Info. :returns: :py:class:`django.db.models.query.QuerySet` of :py:class:`stocks.models.InvestmentBucket` """ return InvestmentBucket.accessible_buckets(info.context.user.profile)
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_selected_acc(data, _info, **_args): """ Returns the current account the user has selected. Right now it just calls the default account of the profile. (see :py:meth:`authentication.models.Profile.default_acc`) :returns: :py:class:`django.db.models.query.QuerySet` of :py:class:`trading.models.TradingAccount` """ return data.default_acc()
[docs]class GUserBank(DjangoObjectType): """ GraphQL wrapper around the :py:class:`authentication.models.UserBank` model. This should *only* be accessible to the user. """ balance = NonNull(Float) income = NonNull(Float) name = NonNull(String) outcome = NonNull(Float) history = NonNull( List(NonNull(GDataPoint)), args={'start': Argument(NonNull(String))}) balance_date = NonNull(String) monthly_start = NonNull(String) monthly_end = NonNull(String) class Meta(object): """ Meta Model for :py:class:`authentication.models.UserBank`. We want to expose the user's balance, income and expenditure (here named outcome) """ model = UserBank only_fields = ('id', 'balance', 'income', 'outcome') interfaces = (relay.Node, )
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_history(data, _info, start, **_args): """ This method returns the account history for a user. This is, how much value the bank account historically had. (see :py:meth:`authentication.models.UserBank.historical_data`) :param data: The bank we want to extract the history from. :type data: :py:class:`authentication.models.UserBank` :param start: The date with that the history should start. The query will return the history from start until today. :type start: str (YYYY-MM-dd). :returns: `stocks.graphql.DataPoint` representing the history. """ return [ DataPoint(date, value) for (date, value) in data.historical_data(start) ]
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_balance(data, _info, **_args): """ Calls :py:meth:`authentication.models.UserBank.current_balance` on data. :param data: The Userbank we want to extract the balance from. :type data: :py:class:`authentication.models.UserBank` :returns: The current balance of that the user has. """ return data.current_balance(False)
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_balance_date(_data, _info): """ Date of the balance """ return str(
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_monthly_start(_data, _info): """ Start date for measuring the monthly income/expenditure """ return str( - datetime.timedelta(days=30))
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_monthly_end(_data, _info): """ End date for measuring the monthly income/expenditure """ return str(
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_name(data, _info, **_args): """ Calls :py:meth:`authentication.models.UserBank.account_name` on data. :param data: The Userbank we want to get the account name. :type data: :py:class:`authentication.models.UserBank` :returns: The account name of the bank. """ return data.account_name(False)
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_income(data, _info, **_args): """ Calls :py:meth:`authentication.models.UserBank.income` on data. :param data: The Userbank we want to extract the income from. :type data: :py:class:`authentication.models.UserBank` :returns: The monthly income of the account. """ return data.income(False)
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_outcome(data, _info, **_args): """ Calls :py:meth:`authentication.models.UserBank.expenditure` on data. :param data: The Userbank we want to extract the expenditures from. :type data: :py:class:`authentication.models.UserBank` :returns: The monthly expenditure of the account. """ return data.expenditure(False)
# pylint: disable=no-init
[docs]class Query(object): """ The root of the viewer query. This is the base of building the user object with all of its data. """ viewer = Field(GUser, )
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_viewer(_self, info, **_args): """ The viewer represents the data for the user making the request. :param info: information about the request with context :type data: Graphene Request Info. """ if not info.context.user.is_authenticated(): return None return info.context.user
# pylint: enable=no-init
[docs]class AddTradingAccount(Mutation): """ AddTradingAccount creates a new :py:class:`trading.models.TradingAccount` for the user. """
[docs] class Arguments(object): """ Arguments to create a :py:class:`trading.models.TradingAccount`. Right now we only need the name. """ name = String()
account = Field(lambda: GTradingAccount)
[docs] @staticmethod def mutate(_self, info, name, **_args): """ Creates a new :py:class:`trading.models.TradingAccount` for the user and returns it. :param info: Information about the request / user. :type data: Graphene Request Info. :param name: Name of the new trading account. :type name: str """ account = TradingAccount( profile=info.context.user.profile, account_name=name) return AddTradingAccount(account=account)
# pylint: enable=too-few-public-methods